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💸 Asset Bridge

jstz maintains a persistent ledger of all accounts and their balances of L2 tez (stored as mutez).

The jstz bridge implements a bridge protocol that allows to transfer fungible tokens (namely CTEZ) from Tezos to the jstz rollup (and back soon™️).


⚠️ Withdrawals from jstz to Tezos is not supported ⚠️

Quick Start

The jstz CLI empowers you to effortlessly transfer assets between a Tezos address (tz1) and a jstz L2 address (tz4) using the provided bridge commands.

To deposit assets from a Tezos address to a jstz L2 address, run the following command:

jstz bridge deposit --from <TZ1_ADDRESS/ALIAS> --to <TZ4_ADDRESS/ALIAS> --amount <AMOUNT>

Replace <TZ1_ADDRESS/ALIAS> with the source Tezos address or alias (managed by octez-client), <TZ4_ADDRESS/ALIAS> with the destination jstz address, and <AMOUNT> with the quantity of CTEZ to deposit.

For example, running:

jstz bridge deposit --from tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU \
    --to tz4N7y3T2e2dfCyHB1Ama68jnt3Fps7Ufu6d \
    --amount 42

sucessfully deposits 42 CTEZ from tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU to the tz4N7y3T2e2dfCyHB1Ama68jnt3Fps7Ufu6d jstz address, outputting:

Deposited 42 CTEZ to tz4N7y3T2e2dfCyHB1Ama68jnt3Fps7Ufu6d

How it Works?


⚠️ Under construction ⚠️