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🙏 Request

jstz's Request implementation is based on the Fetch API specification. This API permits you to manipulate and inspect HTTP requests.


⚠️ jstz's implementation is not spec compliant ⚠️


new Request(input: Request)


Spec deviation: The referer is copied from the given request. Additionally the mode conversion is not supported.

Constructs a new Request object as a copy of the given request.

new Request(input: string, init?: RequestInit)


Spec deviation: Many of the RequestInit properties are not supported.

Creates a new Request object, given a URL string and optionally any request settings. The possible settings are:

  • method (string, optional)

    A string representing the HTTP method of the request. If omitted the default value is 'GET'.

  • headers (HeadersInit, optional)

    Any headers that should be attached to the request. Either a Headers object, an Array of key-value pairs, or a Record<string, string>.

  • body (BodyInit | null, optional)


    Spec deviation: Blob, FormData, ReadableStream and URLSearchParams are not supported for BodyInit.

    The body attached to the request. Either a string or BufferSource (an ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView). The body is required for the 'PUT', 'POST' and 'PATCH' methods and forbidden for the 'GET', 'CONNECT', 'TRACE', 'OPTIONS' and 'HEAD' methods.

type BodyInit = string | BufferSource;

interface RequestInit {
  body?: BodyInit | null;
  headers?: HeadersInit;
  method?: string;

Instance Properties

readonly Request.bodyUsed: bool

A boolean property for whether the body of this Request has already been used or not.

readonly Request.headers

A Headers object containing the headers attached to the request

readonly Request.method: string

A string representing the HTTP method of the request, eg 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST'.

readonly Request.url: string

A string property for the URL of the request.

Instance Methods

Request.arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>

Returns a promise that resolves with an ArrayBuffer.

Request.json(): Promise<any>

Returns a promise that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.

Request.text(): Promise<string>

Returns a promise that resolves with a UTF-16 string.