🔍 URLSearchParams
's implementation of the URLSearchParams
API defines utility methods for working with the query string of a URL according to the URL specification. It is used for building and manipulating search parameters.
// Parse query string from URL
let url = new URL("https://example.com?foo=1&bar=2");
let params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
// Add a new parameter
params.append("baz", 3);
// Remove parameter
new URLSearchParams(init?: [string, string][] | Record<string, string> | string): URLSearchParams
Creates a new instance of URLSearchParams
with the provided key-value pairs. The init
parameter can be one of the following:
- An array of key-value pairs. Each pair is an array where the first element is the key (Name) and the second is the value.
- A record of
keys andstring
values. - A
, which will be parsed fromapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
format. The leading '?' character is ignored.
Instance Properties
readonly URLSearchParams.size: number
Returns the number of search parameters present.
Instance Methods
URLSearchParams.append(name: string, value: string): void
Appends a specified name-value pair as a new search parameter.
URLSearchParams.delete(name: string, value?: string): void
Removes search parameters that match the given name. If a value is provided, only parameters with that name-value pair are removed.
URLSearchParams.get(name: string): string | null
Returns the first value associated with the given search parameter name
or null
if not found.
URLSearchParams.getAll(name: string): string[]
Returns all the values associated with a given search parameter name
URLSearchParams.has(name: string, value?: string): boolean
Determines whether the UrlSearchParams
object has a certain parameter, optionally with a specific value.
URLSearchParams.set(name: string, value: string): void
Sets the value associated with a given parameter. If there are several matching parameters, it updates the first and removes the others.
If the parameter does not exist, this method will append the name-value pair.
URLSearchParams.sort(): void
Sorts all name-value pairs in the UrlSearchParams
object by their names. The sorting is done by comparing the code units of the names. The relative order between pairs with equal names is preserved.
URLSearchParams.toString(): string
Returns a query string suitable for use in a URL.
URLSearchParams[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<[string, string]>
Returns an iterator over the list of search parameter name-value pairs. This makes URLSearchParams
instances iterable.
URLSearchParams.entries(): Iterator<[string, string]>
Returns an iterator over the list of search parameter name-value pairs.
URLSearchParams.keys(): Iterator<string>
Returns an iterator over the search parameter names.
URLSearchParams.values(): Iterator<string>
Returns an iterator over the search parameter values.
URLSearchParams.forEach(callback: (value: string, name: string, parent: URLSearchParams) => void): void
Calls the callback for each search parameter. Note that the search parameter value is the first callback argument, while the name is the second argument.