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🔡 TextDecoder

The TextDecoder interface represents a decoder for a specific text encoding, such as UTF-8, ISO-8859-2, KOI8-R, GBK, etc. A decoder takes a stream of bytes as input and emits a stream of code points.


⚠️ jstz's implementation is not fully spec compliant ⚠️


new TextDecoder(label?: string, options?: TextDecoderOptions): TextDecoder

The TextDecoder() constructor returns a newly created TextDecoder object for the encoding specified in parameter.


  • label A string, defaulting to "utf-8". This may be any valid label.

  • options An object with the property:

    • fatal A boolean value indicating if the TextDecoder.decode() method must throw a TypeError when decoding invalid data. It defaults to false, which means that the decoder will substitute malformed data with a replacement character.
    • ignoreBOM A boolean value indicating whether the byte order mark is ignored. It defaults to false.
interface TextDecoderOptions {
  fatal?: boolean;
  ignoreBOM?: boolean;

Instance properties

readonly TextDecoder.encoding: string

Returns encoding's name, lowercased. The encoding is set by the TextDecoder() constructor label parameter, and defaults to "utf-8".

readonly TextDecoder.fatal: boolean

The fatal read-only property of the TextDecoder interface is a boolean indicating whether the error mode is fatal.

If the property is true, then a decoder will throw a TypeError if it encounters malformed data while decoding. If false, the decoder will substitute the invalid data with the replacement character U+FFFD (�). The value of the property is set in the TextDecoder() constructor.

readonly TextDecoder.ignoreBOM: boolean

The ignoreBOM read-only property of the TextDecoder interface is a boolean indicating whether the byte order mark is ignored.

Instance methods

TextDecoder.decode(input?: BufferSource, options?: TextDecodeOptions): string


⚠️ Spec deviation: input can not be a SharedArrayBuffer ⚠️

Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. The method can be invoked zero or more times with set to true, and then once without options. stream (or set to false), to process a fragmented stream. If the invocation without (or set to false) has no input, it's clearest to omit both arguments.


  • input An ArrayBuffer, a TypedArray, or a DataView object containing the encoded text to decode.
  • options An object with the property:
    • stream If the error mode is "fatal" and encoding's decoder returns error, throws a TypeError.
interface TextDecodeOptions {
  stream?: boolean;


Encodes and decodes the euro symbol, .

const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const array = encoder.encode("€"); // Uint8Array(3) [226, 130, 172]
document.getElementById("encoded-value").textContent = array;

const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const str = decoder.decode(array); // String "€"
document.getElementById("decoded-value").textContent = str;

Decode from a buffer in a loop using the stream option.

let string = "";
let decoder = new TextDecoder(encoding);

let buffer;
while ((buffer = stream_next_chunk())) {
  string += decoder.decode(buffer, { stream: true });

string += decoder.decode(); // end-of-stream