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📰 Headers

jstz's Headers implementation is based on the Fetch API specification. This API permits you to manipulate and inspect HTTP request and response headers.


⚠️ jstz's implementation is not spec compliant ⚠️

Quick Start

We can create a Headers instance from a simple object of header names and values:

const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" });

We can then add more headers to the Headers instance using Headers.append():

headers.append("Authorization", "Bearer 123456789");

We can also retrieve a header value using Headers.get():

const authHeader = headers.get("Authorization");
console.log(authHeader); // "Bearer 123456789"


The Referer header is a special header that is automatically set by jstz when it makes a request. The value of the Referer header is the tz1 address of the smart function (or account) that made the request.

async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const referer = request.headers.get("Referer"); // "tz1..."


new Headers(init?: HeadersInit): Headers

Creates a new Headers object. A HeadersInit object can be an Array of key-value pairs, Record<string, string> or a Headers object.

type HeadersInit = [string, string][] | Record<string, string> | Headers;

Instance Methods

Headers.append(name: string, value: string): void

Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds the header if it does not already exist.

Headers.delete(name: string): void

Deletes a header from the Headers object.

Headers.get(name: string): string | null

Returns the associated header value of the given name, or null if no values are found. If the header has more than 1 value, then the values are concatenated, separated by ", ", as per the spec.

Headers.getSetCookie(): string[]

Returns an array of all the header values for the Set-Cookie header.

Headers.has(name: string): boolean

Returns a boolean stating whether a Headers object contains a certain header.

Headers.set(name: string, value: string): void

Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds the header if it does not already exist.

Headers[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<[string, string]>

Returns an iterator over the list of header name/value pairs. This makes Headers instances iterable.

Headers.entries(): Iterator<[string, string]>

Returns an iterator over the list of header name/value pairs.

Headers.keys(): Iterator<string>

Returns an iterator over the header names.

Headers.values(): Iterator<string>

Returns an iterator over the header values.

Headers.forEach(callback: (value: string, name: string, parent: Headers) => void): void

Calls the callback for each header. Note that the header value is the first callback argument, while the header name is the second argument.