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💰 Ledger

The Ledger object maintains a persistent ledger of all accounts and their balances of L2 tez (stored as mutez). Additionally, the Ledger object stores the 'self address' of the smart function, which is the address of the smart function itself.

All operations on Ledger are synchronous and atomic, committed if the request to the smart function succeeds.

Quick Start

We can obtain the balance of an account using Ledger.balance():

const alice: Address = "tz1abc...";
console.log(Ledger.balance(alice)); // 0

The self address of the smart function is accessible from the readonly property Ledger.selfAddress:

console.log(Ledger.balance(Ledger.selfAddress)); // 420

Transfers are performed using Ledger.transfer():

Ledger.transfer(alice, 420); // Transfer 420 mutez to Alice from the balance of the smart function
console.log(Ledger.balance(alice)); // 420
console.log(Ledger.balance(Ledger.selfAddress)); // 0


type Address = string

An address is a string of 36 characters, starting with KT1.

Instance Properties

readonly Ledger.selfAddress: Address

The selfAddress property of the Ledger object is the address of the smart function.

Instance Methods

Ledger.balance(address: Address): Mutez

Returns the balance of the given address in mutez, or 0 if the address is not in the ledger.

Ledger.transfer(dst: Address, amount: Mutez): void

Transfers the given amount of mutez from the balance of the smart function to the given address. If the smart function does not have enough balance, this throws an error.