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🧩 URLPattern

jstz's URLPattern implementation is based on the URL Pattern specification and using rust-urlpattern.


⚠️ jstz's implementation is not spec compliant ⚠️


// A pattern can be constructed using a string for matching
const pattern = new URLPattern("http{s}?://*");

// `test` can be used to check for match
console.log(pattern.test("")); // prints true
console.log(pattern.test("")); // prints false

// `exec` can be used to match and access components
const match = pattern.exec("");
console.log(match.pathname); // prints { input: "/books/123", groups: { "id": "123" } }


new URLPattern(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): URLPattern

Creates a new URLPattern object from a given URL string or URLPatternInit and an optional base URL.


Spec deviation: options argument is not supported in the constructor.

declare interface URLPatternInit {
  protocol?: string;
  username?: string;
  password?: string;
  hostname?: string;
  port?: string;
  pathname?: string;
  search?: string;
  hash?: string;
  baseURL?: string;

declare type URLPatternInput = string | URLPatternInit;

Instance Properties

readonly URLPattern.protocol: string

The pattern used to match the protocol part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.username: string

The pattern used to match the username part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.password: string

The pattern used to match the password part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.hostname: string

The pattern used to match the hostname part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.port: string

The pattern used to match the port part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.pathname: string

The pattern used to match the pathname part of a URL.

readonly string

The pattern used to match the search part of a URL.

readonly URLPattern.hash: string

The pattern used to match the fragment part of a URL.

Instance Methods

URLPattern.test(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): boolean

Returns a boolean indicating if the given input matches the current pattern. The input is a URL or an object of URL parts.

URLPattern.exec(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): URLPatternResult | null

declare interface URLPatternComponentResult {
  input: string;
  groups: Record<string, string | undefined>;

declare interface URLPatternResult {
  inputs: URLPatternInit[];
  protocol: URLPatternComponentResult;
  username: URLPatternComponentResult;
  password: URLPatternComponentResult;
  hostname: URLPatternComponentResult;
  port: URLPatternComponentResult;
  pathname: URLPatternComponentResult;
  search: URLPatternComponentResult;
  hash: URLPatternComponentResult;

Returns either an object containing the results of matching the URL to the pattern, or null if the URL does not match the pattern. The input is a URL or object of URL parts.